About us
The Rome Statute of 17 July 1998 forms the basis for two bodies: the International Criminal Court (ICC), created in 2002, and the Trust Fund for Victims (TFV), created in 2002 by the Assembly of States Parties (ASP). The ASP adopted in 2005 the comprehensive Regulations of the TFV, establishing the Secretariat of the Trust Fund that was staffed in 2007.
While the ICC investigates and prosecutes the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and the crime of aggression, the TFV responds to the harm resulting from the crimes under the jurisdiction of the ICC.
The TFV helps realize the rights of victims and their families through the provision of reparations and assistance. Our teams work for and with victims to deliver vital programmes related to mental health, physical rehabilitation, and material support.
The TFV places victims and survivors at the centre of everything we do, and our holistic approach aims to bring long-lasting peace to individuals, their families and communities.
The TFV has a Board of Directors and a Secretariat led by an Executive Director. In January 2021, the Secretariat’s 28 staff members were deployed either at Headquarters (Seat of the ICC) or at ICC Country Offices (in particular in Kampala, Bunia and Abidjan).