The Trust Fund for Victims: US Sanctions Could Deprive Victims of Reparative Justice

The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) at the International Criminal Court (ICC) deplores the recent United States sanctions imposed on two ICC officials, which may thwart the rights of victims to receive justice and reparations for the harm they suffered.
Reparative justice for victims of the most serious crimes of concern to the international community is dependent on the ability of the ICC to hold perpetrators of these crimes accountable.
The TFV Board of Directors stands in solidarity with the ICC and reminds all States and everyone that unimaginable atrocities continue to shake the conscience of humanity. Now more than ever before, unqualified moral, political and financial support is needed towards the universal achievement of the goals of Rome Statute. This must include reparative justice for the benefit of victims, their families and their communities.
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